Letters to crushes
Foto: weheartit.com
"Today I was on the bus, heading to the grocery store. Across from me sat a lone boy, who was listening to his iPod. He had messy black hair and striking blue eyes.
I glanced over him, not really paying attention. The bus stopped and a lone girl got on the bus. I couldn't help but noticed just how pretty she was.
She was tall, with brilliant red curls that fell all the way to her waist and gorgeous hazel eyes. That's when I noticed the lone boy lean forward out of the corner of my eye.
His face was classic. He was literally gawking at her with wide eyes. She saw his stare and instead of ignoring him, she smiled and sat next to him.
She introduced herself and he did the same. They began talking and I watched them with a little smile on my face.
It might not lead to anything but it still made my day to see it. Because maybe- just maybe- they'll find something real."
-Sapphire- letterstocrushes.com/
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